Learn About the Number 3 | Number of the Day: 3 | Learn Three with Manipulatives | Rock 'N Learn

Learn About the Number 3 | Number of the Day: 3 | Learn Three with Manipulatives | Rock 'N Learn

Learn to recognize and understand Number 3. Learn to count up to and down from three. Created by teachers, learn how to show 3 in a ten frame. Learn to draw 3 tally marks. See the number 3 with objects that sometimes come to life for a fun surprise! This early math video works great as a "Number of the Day" lesson or as an exciting early math activity for preschool and kindergarten. Learn number sense in this series of videos by Rock ’N Learn. English learners benefit from repeated counting up to three. Learn to sign the number 3 using ASL (American Sign Language).

Learn Number 3 lyrics:

So many presents
I wonder what they hide
Let's open one
To see what is inside

I wonder what's inside this yellow present with green stars. Let's open it!
Here… We… Go!

It's the number 3!

We can show three as a number like this.

How else can we show three? We can spell the word three with letters.
t… h… r… e… e… three!

This is how you sign the number three.

Look at this 10 frame: Let's fill it with counters until we have three. Remember to go from left to right, top to bottom, and don't skip any squares. 1, 2, 3

There! We've shown the number 3 in our 10 frame. Now, let's take these three counters and put them in a different pattern. We didn't add or take away any counters, so we should still have 3. 1, 2, 3

Wow, still 3 Let's re-arrange them again… Do we still have three? 1, 2, 3
Yes! We still have 3 counters, because we didn't add any or take any away.

Counters are fun, but let's show the number 3 in some other ways. Do you like to play games? Look at this die. How many dots are showing? 1, 2, 3 ! Three dots.

What about dominoes? How many dots are on this one? 1, 2, 3. Three dots in all.

Here's another domino. How many dots does it have? 1, 2 … 3. Three dots.

Now, let's draw three tally marks: One, two, three !

I'll bet we can think of even more ways to show the number three. What if we draw three triangles?
1, 2, 3 ! Three triangles.

And look! Each triangle has three sides. 1, 2, 3 ! Three sides on a triangle.

Let's draw three hearts: 1, 2, 3. They aren't all the same color, but we have 3 hearts.

3 Hearts: We LOVE learning about the number 3! Brad: Awwwww, so do I. Hearts: Bye, bye!
Do you like candy? How many pieces of candy do we have here? 1, 2, 3. They are all different, but we have 3 pieces of candy in all.

There are so many fun ways to show the number 3. We've counted up to 3 together quite a few times! Now, let's count back from 3 all the way down to zero. 3, 2, 1, 0

Remember, zero is the same as none. Let's clap and count together back up to three. 1, 2, 3

Now, point at the number 3, and use your finger to trace it in the air. Here we go!

Start close to the top… around with me… around with me… we just made a number 3. Great job! Three!

number threelearn about 3counting songs

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