Trump's Cabinet Considered Invoking 25th Amendment During Capitol Riot

Trump's Cabinet Considered Invoking 25th Amendment During Capitol Riot

New reports suggest that several members of Trump's cabinet - specifically Steve Mnuchin and Mike Pompeo - were considering using the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office on the day of the insurrection. They decided against it, and the following day saw multiple cabinet officials resign in protest of what took place the day before. Farron Cousins explains how different things would be today if Mnuchin and Pompeo would have had the courage to go forward with their plan.

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According to Jonathan Karl's new book on the day of January 6th, the, during the Capitol riot, several of Donald Trump's cabinet members actually discussed invoking the 25th amendment to remove Donald Trump from office, claiming that the man was no longer competent enough to serve in that role. Now, the two people were Steve [inaudible] and Mike Pompeo. Now, according to Carl, Jonathan, Karl, this is the story he tells in his book, and he says, it's rock solid sourcing. He says that Minutian was worried, obviously watching what was taking place in the Capitol. Minutian thought that, you know, obviously Trump is enjoying this. So he gets in touch with Mike Pompeo, where he brings up the plan saying, look, we're the cabinet. We can invoke the 25th. This may be the route to go. Now we don't know necessarily how open to the idea that Palm PEO was. I would think given Trump's attacks on Palm PEO, that he was probably thinking, you know what? Maybe that's not a bad idea. Of course, Carl also points out that this idea was quickly jettisoned. And the following day on January 7th, you had multiple Donald Trump cabinet secretaries resigned. Betsy Devoss was one of them. They saw what happened the day before. And they realized that even though they only had two weeks left in their term, because they were going to leave office. When he did theirs, they couldn't do it anymore. They couldn't be a part of this even for another two weeks.

Here's what gets me, how different would America be today? If these cabinet members had followed through on their plan, if they had come forward and said, we're going to invoke the 25th amendment. And at that point, it is up to Donald Trump to prove that he is competent enough to continue serving as president. Something that I do not believe the man would have been able to do. It's not just about cognitive abilities either. You know, they weren't trying to say this guy's crazy. It was, is he emotionally secure enough to do the job? Is he mentally competent enough to carry out the last two weeks of his administration? So let's assume for a minute, they had removed him his own Republican cabinet members. If they had removed him, they would have stripped even more power from him. Then losing that election ever could have, it would have sent a message to Republicans across the country and especially Republicans in the house of representatives that this will not be, he is a pariah and therefore should be treated as such.

This would have caused, I believe a lot of the Republicans who are still bowing down to Donald Trump to say no, because other people had already stood up to him at that point. And sometimes that's what it takes. One or two people or three people were, you know, would have taken pretty much the entire cabinet to invoke the 25th. But that show of strength could have been the beacon that this Republican party was looking for. It could have been their way out if they would have invoked the 25th and Trump proved that he wasn't mentally competent enough to carry the job. We wouldn't be having discussions today about whether or not he's going to run in 2024. And of course the sad likelihood that he could win, if he does run nobody in this country, outside of the people who have a closet full of maggot gear would vote for somebody who was removed from office for not being mentally competent enough, you would get no independence. You would get no Democrats flip-flopping and you'd struggle to even get all of the Republicans out there to support him. And he probably wouldn't even pass the Republican primary because of that, but they made the decision to not go forward with it.

And we're in this situation today because those men were cowards.

Farron CousinsNewsPolitics

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