If you feel angry, overwhelmed, scared, or unsafe DURING THIS EVOLVING PANDEMIK-- REMEMBER THIS!

If you feel angry, overwhelmed, scared, or unsafe DURING THIS EVOLVING PANDEMIK-- REMEMBER THIS!

If you feel angry, overwhelmed, scared, or unsafe DURING THIS EVOLVING PANDEMIK-- REMEMBER THIS!

With everything going on in the world, if you feel angry, or are feeling unsafe,
Feeling scared, feeling overwhelmed by life, feeling angry and frustrated. My advice is to turn inward.
If you are wondering what should I do right now, how to handle negative thoughts, how to deal with oppression, how to deal with anxiety, how to handle stress in the body, feeling out of control of your life, feeling triggered by everything.... turn inward.

Remember -- You are SAFE.

This is how to heal, this is how to transform....


True healing is about surrender. We allow and love what is rising within us rather than getting caught up in the storm that surrounds us.

All disease and illness whether physical or mental is not your body making a mistake or turning against you. It is an adaptation response of your cns to help you survive! Your body does not do things without intent to heal. Healing can often hurt or be a long process but the body is working for you and the best thing you can do is learn to help it. To support your body and mind through love compassion and soothing nourishing acts while you work to calm down your flight or fight system and help to restore homeostasis.

The subconscious patterns of trauma have built momentum in your life manifesting as physical, mental, and emotional conditions that have low vibrations. Your overactive cns has malfunctioned and is creating an ongoing stress response that keeps you in sympathetic activation and does not allow you to heal. We have to calm our body, mind and soul so that we can feel safe. We must learn to heal and resolve the trauma, repair the CNS, and break your PATTERNS and vibrational states of CHRONIC ILLNESS! So that true healing can take place.

PRE-REGISTER now for my upcoming course HOW TO HEAL YOURSELF FROM CHRONIC ILLNESS EVEN IF YOU’VE TRIED EVERYTHING. This is truly the only program you will ever need! Will launch in October! https://lisahealyourself.thinkific.com/

Heal yourself naturally from anything! Mind, body, and soul. Using nutrition, lifestyle, environment, and mind body inner healing work.

Healing IS possible -- NEVER GIVE UP!



forgot what I learnedIf you feel angryFEeling unsafe

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