How I take notes from books in Logseq

How I take notes from books in Logseq

In this video I unpack my approach for taking notes from books to improve my insights and retention.

To learn more from non-fiction books, join me on Shortform: You’ll get a 5-day free trial and a discounted annual subscription. I highly recommend looking at the book summary of "How Will You Measure Your Life" as a starting point :)

00:00 Not "how I remember everything I read"
01:11 Video breakdown
02:25 Benefits of collecting notes in a PKM system
04:00 Questions to ask yourself before deciding on a system
06:06 Frameworks for recording insights from books
06:55 Distinction between collecting and connecting
07:44 Capturing notes when reading - highlighting / copying vs in your own words
09:55 Organising and synthesising your notes - discussing different approaches
11:26 Looking at my framework
13:29 Using block references
14:39 Discussing some of the tradeoffs between the different approaches presented
15:02 Building atomic notes
16:08 Looking at this framework in real book examples
18:35 Looking at an example of atomic notes / zettelkasten
19:01 Using book summaries to help my workflow
20:42 No need to re-read the books that I didn't process
22:58 Workflw and processing tips
27:56 Conclusion and resources

📺 Curtis McHale - Using Obsidian to Take Notes on Books
📺 Thomas Frank - How I take notes from books
📺 Ali Abdaal - The 5 Magical Apps That Changed My Life
📺 Ali Abdaal - How I Remember Everything I Read

📷 Pixabay for the book image

If you're getting started on Logseq and would like a more structured, beginner-friendly approach, have a look at Santi Younger's course (his Youtube channel also has some great content: He's got a relaxed instructional style and is continuing to build on the course as Logseq becomes more stable. Santi has been an active member of the Logseq community since the beginning so he knows what he's talking about, and he's a down-to-earth relatable guy too 🙂 (also an affiliate link)

If you've found the videos useful and would like to support the channel, I've setup a "Buy Me A Coffee" link. Any support is greatly appreciated, but please don't feel obliged! If you're ever in Cape Town, send me a mail via my website - it would be great to meet you in real life. This time, I'll buy you a coffee 😉


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