The Pillar Of Autumn in Halo Combat Evolved will always be a special mission as it’s the one which began Bungie's amazing Halo series.
Nowadays after five mainline Halo games and numerous Halo spin offs, it may not seem quite as exciting as it did when it released on Xbox some 20 or so years ago, but the way The Pillar Of Autumn so effortlessly introduces both the world of Halo and many of the mechanics the Halo series still uses to this very day means it certainly hasn’t lost any of its charm.
In this video, I analyse everything from The Pillar Of Autumn's level design and gameplay to its story, setting and soundtrack, to try and analyse why it's such a unique experience, while also drawing comparisons to Halo Combat Evolved missions Halo and The Library as well as other games in Bungie's amazing Halo series.
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#Halo #HaloCE #HaloCombatEvolved
00:00 - Intro
00:29 - Setting The Scene
02:05 - Getting To Grips With Master Chief
03:47 - Meeting The Covenant
05:57 - Time To Fight
10:58 - Future Throwback
11:50 - Final Lessons
13:30 - Anniversary Thoughts