Primitive basketry 4: Weaving spruce bark strip baskets 🧺

Primitive basketry 4: Weaving spruce bark strip baskets 🧺

In this video, I continue my exploration of the uses of spruce bark. A recent storm has felled a large spruce tree, providing me with fresh bark to be harvested, cut into strips and woven into primitive baskets.

I tried two techniques, the first using a dense weave of perpendicular strips, the other with a light, hexagonal weave. The latter is more demanding and the results so far are a bit wonky, but I already have some ideas to improve this method.

Unfortunately, forest workers have by now transported away my source of bark, so I will have to wait for the next storm to continue my experiments.

#primitivetechnology #basketweaving

Primitive basketrybasket weavingspruce bark

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