No one wants to move until you know where you're going.
You want to look at a few homes to see what you love and what you can afford, before putting your home on the market.
Be sure to put in the comments to the buyer that the closing date depends on the seller finding the home of choice. You want to choose an offer that is willing to wait 30 to 60 days for you to find, negotiate and set a closing date on your new home.
So no one's left on the curb with luggage.
I'll never let it happen.
Follow me on my social media 👇👇👇
Instagram: @raiseurroof
Facebook: @MaryJoQuayRealtor
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/mary-jo-quay-98911529/
ShowingNew https://www.showingnew.com/maryjoquay
Zillow https://www.zillow.com/profile/MaryJoQuay/
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