Trump's Kids Could Be Next To Be Indicted

Trump's Kids Could Be Next To Be Indicted

Legal experts have been diving deep into the indictments against the Trump Organization over the past week and a half, and they think that a few key mentions in these indictments could indicate that Trump's kids could be in the immediate crosshairs. They point to the fact that the indictment lists 7 other Trump companies, all of which have ties to his children. There's a reason these companies were listed in the indictments and it will eventually all come out, as Farron Cousins explains.

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Legal experts have been pouring over the indictments of both the Trump organization and their CFO Allen Weisselberg for the last week and a half. Basically since the moment those indictments came down and these experts, the people who know what to look for in these indictments, former prosecutors, all those folks have found things that the average everyday non-legal person likely would have overlooked. And one of those items that they have found, they believe points to the fact that Donald Trump's kids, maybe the next to be indicted. And here's what it is. Let me, let me read this in the indictment and for the Trump organization that came out last week, prosecutor single out seven

Companies, Wollman rink

Operations, LLC, Trump international golf club, LLC. Mar-a-Lago Trump productions, LLC VH property Corp, which is the parent company of Trump national golf club in Los Angeles. Uh, Trump, Las Vegas development, LLC, and Trump, CPS L L C while the indictment only names Weisselberg. The other executives mentioned in the indictment could include Trump's children who held top roles in these organizations, specifically his eldest daughter, former senior white house advisor,

Ivanka Trump.

So what does that matter? Right? What does that mean? Okay. There's seven companies that they've also listed in addition to the actual Trump organization. And this is Weisselberg and there's other executives. What is it? I mean, I'm going to try to distill this

As best as possible. What this means is

That these companies, according to the indictment could also be involved in similar schemes. The other executives that they talk about, which by the way, these are LLCs. So you're talking about only a couple people at the top, and it is likely Trump's children. In fact, in many cases, we do know it is Trump's children. So if the big business was doing this same thing, it's likely the other businesses, we're doing the same thing with regards to the, uh, conspiracy to defraud the government with regards to paying taxes. And they explained a little further here to a case in point the report notes, Ivanka his attachment to Trump Las Vegas development, LLC, where she was once listed as a vice-president, according to federal disclosures, the company was established to collect development fees on Trump Ruffin tower, a combination hotel, condo building in Las Vegas. But those disclosures also show the company's underlying value. Isn't clear and it's income wildly. The business post had no income at all in 2014 and 2015, then hauled 8.1 million in 2016 before reporting no income again in 2017, the year Ivanka left the company, it pulled in a little over 3 million annually for the next two years, then went dormant. There has to be a real business purpose to

The company. Legal explain.

So what are these entities doing? Are they actually engaging in business or are they just there to pay compensation some


Prosecutors didn't already know something about it, they say that these indictments, every indictment and indictment in general is always very carefully worded. They don't put frivolous crap

In indictments. So these

Experts, these former prosecutors who do this, or did this for a living before they retired are saying these businesses are in there for a reason, the mention of other executives, or also in there for a reason and reason seems to dictate that the only thing tying former executives and these properties together are all of Trump's children. And that's why they believe they could be the next to be indicted.

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