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Pigs are not bacon, cows are not steaks, and chickens are not drumsticks — they’re individuals with thoughts, feelings, and emotions who want to live. #EndSpeciesism
Go vegan today: http://peta.vg/2ws0
PETA's mission statement is that animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way: https://www.peta.org/about-peta/
The website the meat industry doesn't want you to see: https://www.meat.org/
How to go vegan: https://how-to-go-vegan.peta.org/
PETA Saves: https://spotlight.peta.org/petasaves/
PETA: https://www.PETA.org/
FAQs: https://www.peta.org/about-peta/faq/
PETAanimal rightsgo vegan