Everything I Touch Turns Into Gold

Everything I Touch Turns Into Gold

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“Matthew put that book down and go to sleep!” my dad said as he walked past my little room. It was already eleven at night and my parents expected us to fall asleep by nine. I shared a room with my two little brothers Zachary and James. They were already sleeping.

I put the book away, turned off the light and faded into dreamland. I loved to dream because it helped me to escape my life which wasn’t awesome at all. We were poor – my dad had just lost his job and my mom was finishing an MBA online. We were living off my dad’s savings and it honestly sucked eating crackers and macaroni every day.

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Now, where was I. Ah, yes. I was just fading into dreamland. I had a few dreams but the last one had me puzzled for a long time. I was walking by myself on a mountain and an old wizard approached me.

“I heard you want to be like the great king Midas.” he said.

“The king who could turn anything into gold?”


“Well, yes. That would be nice.”

“I will grant you this power. All you have to do is whisper these words while touching the object you want to turn to gold.”

“Okay! What are the words?”

“Lava is hot, Ice is cold
Turn this object into gold!”

I laughed but I picked up a nearby flower and repeated the words. Lava is hot, ice is cold, turn this object into gold. The flower transformed before my eyes.

“It really works!” I squealed.

“Of course it does. I’m a good wizard. Now goodbye.”

The man vanished and I woke up a few seconds after. I forgot my dream until I got home after school to the same boring old dinner. After eating, I went up to my room and picked up my Greek Mythology book. I flipped through the pages and landed on the one about Midas.


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