▶To download Lecture Notes, Practice Sheet & Practice Sheet Video Solution, Visit UMEED Batch in Batch Section of PhysicsWallah App(http://bit.ly/3ru9Agh).
To boost up your NEET 2021 preparation we have started NEET SPRINT Revision Series on our PhysicsWallah app.
For more details check "NEET Sprint" Section & announcement section of your batch on the mobile app.
✨ NOTE : This Batch is Completely FREE, You just have to click on "BUY NOW" button for your enrollment.
📎 NEET TEST SERIES ON PW APP((http://bit.ly/3ru9Agh) & https://physicswallah.live
📍Sequence of Chapters : https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1L3SvNmYoOMxfMdrkM0hFHhWJbwc8icfo
▶Physics Crash Course for NEET - by Alakh Sir : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJyab0VQDBGWVYHPLjAHjw9y1YB9Gf4bf
▶Zoology in 30 Days | NEET : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJyab0VQDBGWhd2WLnn_uvw71XqSNj3pn
▶Botany in 30 Days | NEET : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJyab0VQDBGW-xtJIWbQ4fiQDxkaf_-MT
▶Inorganic Chemistry in 20 Days | NEET : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJyab0VQDBGU4n85id5xYWp2NV63tve4p
▶Organic Chemistry in 20 Days | NEET : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJyab0VQDBGVVN1SglQtKjnWvVeEDrusM
▶Physical Chemistry in 20 Days | NEET : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJyab0VQDBGW-XCZvX8lwMDU9sd2J1qBI
0:00 Introduction
5:07 electric current
18:35 drift velocity
40:32 energy gained by electron between two collisions
48:18 electron mobility
50:43 relationship of drift velocity with current
53:33 current density
57:10 electrical resistance
1:00:04 electrical resistance is slope of V vs I curve
1:04:40 electrical resistance in terms of charge density and relaxation time
1:11:53 resistivity or specific resistivity
1:21:12 summary
1:27:20 questions
1:49:47 break 1
2:02:59 effect of temperature on resistivity and resistance
2:15:00 temperature coefficient of resistance
2:22:35 carbon coding of resistors
2:33:58 ohm's law
2:39:44 ohmic conductor
2:41:32 non ohmic
2:47:04 combination of resistors
4:33:49 break 2
5:12:52 emf terminal voltage and internal resistance of a cell
5:56:40 grouping of cells
6:25:50 Thank You
🔴 Details About The Batch.
✒️ We will cover complete NEET Syllabus in 60 days.
✒️ Daily classes on our YouTube Channel "Competition Wallah".
✒️ PDFs of Lecture Notes & Practice sheet after each lecture will be provided on PhysicsWallah App (http://bit.ly/3ru9Agh) & https://physicswallah.live.
✒️ Video solution of each practice sheet will be provided on PhysicsWallah App (http://bit.ly/3ru9Agh)
For any query/doubt mail us at : support@physicswallah.org
#CurrentElectricity #OneShotLive #Umeed #CompetitionWallah