It's not easy to be a parent. Especially when your kid is an active and mischievous fidget. Try to distract your little anger with these must-have gadgets. Protect your child's finger with a cute giraffe or help him enjoy the taste of his favorite fruit. These tools will make parenting so much easier.
00:00 You can't eat the lipstick! Or can?
00:28 I need more ketchup! / Mini Dispenser
01:06 Great For The Whole Family! / Fruit Pacifier
01:37 Next Up, Brushing With Candy Floss / Toothpaste Dispenser
02:14 Because A Hot Dog's A Terrible Thing To Waste / Door Stopper
02:40 Careful Not To Wet The Bed... / Water Balloon
03:21 Clean and Massaged / Electric Toothbrush
04:04 Braids...They're Not Just For Pretzels / Hair Braider
04:36 After All, There's Just One Tongue Between You! / Lollipop Holder
05:04 There's No Shame In This Cone... / Veterinary Collar
05:35 Wait Til You See The Other Nostril / Ear Camere
06:21 Good, Clean Fun! / Soap Dispenser
06:57 Bubbles, They're Not Just For Baths... / Bubble Machine
07:32 Table Tennis, But Without The Table / Ping-Pong Trainer
08:08 Babies Drop Things...It's What They Do... / Bottle Holder
09:05 Don't Tell Her It's Healthy... / Fun Plate
#parenting #gadgets #cooltool