Uncut: Sole Undeniable, Apparent Self-transcendence (Due to Timing) in War Thunder

Uncut: Sole Undeniable, Apparent Self-transcendence (Due to Timing) in War Thunder

This fresh, uncut footage contains SOLE corroborated UNCHEATABLE, APPARENT, UNDENIABLE time-sensitive and specific #selftranscendence in it that I would like to show you. It's an online PvP game entitled War Thunder. You see and hear exactly what I saw and heard. Nothing more and nothing less. You need to see the CHAT TEXT and MINI MAP to see the #transcendence.

This was played with complete strangers.
It is important to understand the nature of reality so that we are not caught living a hell we create out of our own fiction that we take as truth, as "human nature." It's convenient to blame personal failures on "human nature" since it would dissolve all guilt, but it's the coward's way of avoiding looking into himself in the mirror out of fear and shame.

Towards Min 8, I transcended the enemy was capping A. This is apparent and undeniable due to the timing. There's nothing else to see.

0:00 Start
7:00 Enemy Capping A!!!!

People will think of these as either simple coincidences i.e., as completely nothing (random chances) or cheats, but that is beside the point. These are genuine self-transcendence, and I intend to raise awareness about this. About the real nature of reality, and of us. It is not my business or my place to tell people what to believe, however. I'm not responsible for what others might think.

This footage isn't meant as proof. It's meant to increase awareness. These are neither cheating nor guesses. I'm no psychic either. This is our nature and is well within your reach too. It requires just objectivity as a way of being. It requires no substance, no meditation, no preparation, at all. It is impossible with effort. Self-transcendence points to the truth that we DO NOT exist. Only God exists. True existence can only be eternal. When it doesn't, it is A PROJECTION of something that truly exists. It is the projections that die or perish. Had we existed, self-transcendence would have been IMPOSSIBLE. Self-transcendence is NOT an ability.

#transpersonalpsychology #nonduality #selfactualization #selfrealization #objectiveconsciousness


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