Weight Loss Tip: Weight Gain is a Consequence of an Inefficient Metabolism

Weight Loss Tip: Weight Gain is a Consequence of an Inefficient Metabolism

After falling from his skateboard and landing in the emergency room at age 12, Benjamin knew he wanted to be a doctor. Despite the pain, he thought the physical mechanics of healing was amazing. 10 years later, another broken wrist led to further healing and transformation. After flying over the handlebars of a mountain bike, his right hand was immobilized for 2 months. His right-hand dominant, left-brained, scientific and analytical self was suddenly struck with creative inspiration. Still on course to be a doctor, his path took a drastic turn.

Upon completion of his degree in human physiology from The University of Arizona, Benjamin moved abroad to Hungary to work on a research project investigating brain cancer genomics. While away, frequent illness led to great self-awareness. He realized it was not any source of food, water, or pathogen that was leading to frequent acute symptoms. A stroke of insight led to a discovery that something deeper was missing – a sort of homesickness. He began a daily meditation and centering practice. Through taking dominion over thoughts and inner experiences he was able to shift outer experiences. Amazed by this experience of the mind-body connection, Benjamin’s course of becoming a healer was forever changed.

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Weight loss tips from our trainer here in Custom Body Fitness. All of our members have lost weight and transformed their bodies. They have done it naturally. They have discovered the secret for weight loss and our trainers want to share with you all of their knowledge that has helped our members to lose weight.
These are real people who have a busy life with business and families. They are all regular people who hired us to help them lose weight. As their journey starts and continues, our members learn things and make mistakes that you can avoid. Custom Body Fitness is a personal trainer and group training studio that have a complete weight loss and body toning plan. We are located in Glenwood Springs, Basalt and Carbondale Colorado. Our personal training and group training is created custom to our individual members.
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