Amit Shah calls for united effort for ‘Sankalp Yatra’ irrespective of party politics

Amit Shah calls for united effort for ‘Sankalp Yatra’ irrespective of party politics

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New Delhi, April 12 (ANI): Union Home Minister Amit Shah on April 12, said that they should work together for ‘Sankalp Yatra’, irrespective of party politics. While speaking at the ‘Amrit Samagam’ in Delhi, Amit Shah said, “If people take small resolutions, then this country with a population of 130 crore people can make nation more powerful and great. Our new generation should become aware of freedom struggle, heroes of freedom movement should be celebrated,” said Amit Shah. “Don't know who will be running government in Centre after 25 years but nation will be there and nation should move ahead, we should work together for ‘Sankalp Yatra’ irrespective of party politics,” said Union Home Minister.
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