![[VaxLeth Tribute] "it's a love story"](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/LB1saDG1pMI/hqdefault.jpg)
"i love you, and that's all i really know"
Cover used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gljc65v6-_Y
Open Public MEPs to join!
VisionWorkings' "Beautiful?" MEP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlE0aOxl430
VisionWorking's "Rogue Medley" MEP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep3eZoym-D8&t=0s
Eevee-Miscellaneous' "Ghosts" MEP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dISh1TlVrxg
Lena Schnitz-Mcduck's "If I Never Knew You" MEP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgFuypflHBc
Lovestruckly's "Perfect Harmony" MEP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HygwuK-0wQs
Lovestruckly's "More Than Friends" MEP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aPB8JkF7TM
My Birthday MEP: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v8CWsb61ZmI
Open Rascal MEPs:
My "Rascal Couples Disney Medley" MEP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Surb7M-s67o
okay, this entire description is just gonna be me fangirling about this show and the cast and crew. it's an absolutely brilliant show, filled to the brim with talented voice actors and brilliant animators.
it's kinda funny, i never thought I'd like this type of show. i don't really like adventure fantasy shows. i like Avatar, The Owl House, Gravity Falls, the first two seasons of SVTFOE and that's it. i've never seen shows like Amphibia, O.K. KO Heroes, Voltron, She-Ra & RWBY.
my favourite type of shows are slice of life shows, even in the anime genre. i really like The Ghost and Molly McGee and The Loud House because they're slice of life shows which focus on character relationships and low-stake, personal stories. even in anime, i like anime like Clannad, OHSHC, and Full Moon wo Sagashite over the usual action packed anime. and when i do watch action or adventure anime, like Naruto, Fairy Tail or Bleach, my favourite things about them are the relationships between the characters. i don't care about the plot of the villain trying to destroy the world, i just like the found family being cute together! XD
that whole rant aside, the Legend of Vox Machina isn't a show that I'm usually interested in. it's an action adventure show, based of a Critical Role D&D campaign. and D&D is something i'm really not interested in, at all. i don't mind roleplay, it's just the fantasy setting I don't like of D&D. BUT THIS SHOW IS SO GOOD. it's got all the tropes of an adventure fantasy but with amazing characters, a good story, found family, hilarious one liners & brilliant ships! i absolutely adore it. Vax is my absolute favourite, followed by Keyleth and Vex.
admittedly, one of the reasons i love the show so much is just because of Vax's voice actor. Vax is voiced by Liam O'Brien, who's my absolute favourite voice actor. All the characters he voices in shows tend to be my favourite characters. He voices Gaara in the Naruto franchise who you guys know I love, I adore Vincent Law in Ergo Proxy (my absolute favourite anime), I love Lloyd in Code Geass, I love Dr Tenma from Monster and now I love Vax--all characters he voices. I don't know if it's because he voices them, or if it's just that they're amazing characters who also tend to be voiced by an amazing voice actor, but I just adore them. also now I have an audio clip of Liam O'Brien saying "I'm in love with you", I just need a clip from Naruto's VA and I can edit a GaaNaru confession XD
Also, another reason why I adore Vax because he's canonically bisexual!!! he has a huge crush on Keyleth (and i really hope they get together), but he also openly flirts with a male character throughout the show! any character that is bisexual gets a good standing in my books--and especially a bisexual man, i feel like we don't get a lot of them in media.
Vax and Keyleth are just so cute together. Keyleth is a literal sunshine gal and Vax is a grumpy boi who is a huge softie around her. I just adore that dynamic. and I love how he's so supportive of Keyleth no matter what. She accidentally set his cloak on fire and he still only cared about her happiness. I was just desperate to edit these two, and as soon as I heard this duet, I knew I was gonna use this song. & im gonna go pray to SOMEONE for these two to get a happy ending.
if you read all of this, thank you so much!! but i don't blame you if you didn't.
tldr; i'm obsessed with one adventure fantasy show which isn't like me, and it's "cinnamon roll and grumpy roll". im predictable okay?