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We all know that the word gospel means "good news." Nowadays it is very frequent to reduce this good news to three pieces of news that are announced to people to attract them to the gospel:
If you are sick God heals you.
If you have financial problems, God provides, which includes the idea that if you are in debt, God will pay your debts, one way or another, and
If you have problems in your personal relationships (family, work, etc.), God will get you out of them, which includes the idea that if you have enemies, God fights and defeats them for you.
God's will for each individual person depends entirely on God, without anyone being able to question his decisions (Exodus 33:19; Job 40: 2, 8; Romans 9: 15-16, 20).
Money will flow, God will give you money to heal your problems with this prayer you can double your money. Manifest the perfect amount of money for you.
This is a Christian preaching. This message corresponds to the block of spiritual teachings that are called VERTI. Its name means virtual, teachings, rituals, transformation, integral. Each one of the verti messages is associated with a special teaching with practice in which not only interpretation of the Gospels is made, but also gives you the guidelines for your spiritual development and transformation of consciousness.
WHAT DOES MY ANGEL WANT FROM ME TODAY? All human beings make mistakes throughout their lives and that is not why God stops loving them. When you see that someone is making a mistake, instead of exposing it as something negative, try to make them see from love that they are making a mistake, but do not be angry if they do not receive your advice.
Your Guardian Angel wants from you today: that you understand that you cannot control or direct the life and thoughts of another person. All the time you spend trying to take care of controlling the lives of others, it is time that you waste directing your own life, and therefore it is time that goes against you.
This is the interpretation that your Guardian Angel gives you about TODAY'S GOSPEL 12/13/2021/2021: Why do you look at the straw that is in your brother's eye and not consider the beam that is in your own eye ? .- Luke 6:41