Cotton Cookie, New Cookie Run: Kingdom update just launched and we're gonna explore everything in it!
Thanks to Devsisters for sponsoring this stream. Check out Cookie Run: Kingdom here: https://bit.ly/CRK2-12MoreJuice
If you're looking to join OrangeJuice we're looking for passionate players who can deal 4 mil+ dmg! Just add Blitz9651 and he'll see if you're good to join
If you're looking for higher level strategy, I highly recommend checking out Whisktakers (they're a top 30 clan): http://discord.gg/NeeqPHN7aq
They also have a YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbzyzuWkRze4ati4ZbiVHQw
Discord ► discord.gg/OJ
Twitter ► http://twitter.com/orangejuice
Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/ojeveryday
#DevSistersPartner #CookieRun #CookieRunKingdom #MuscleCookie