Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs launched National Urban Digital Mission Fellowship and looking for capable leaders from diverse backgrounds and disciplines who are committed to making a positive difference in the world. The NUDM Fellows will have an opportunity to lead the adoption of a transformative Mission across the nation. Participating in a fast-paced work experience program such as the NUDM Fellowship will be a challenging, but rewarding experience for young professionals.
Know More About -: https://niua.org/cdg/NUDM-Fellowship
Apply here -: https://www.niua.org/nudm/registration/node/1
STEP AHEAD is a Mission to support such aspirants who have deep desire to work for society on ground in social and development sector. We are the group pf fellows from different fellowships supporting volunteery from application to Selection Process.
Join Telegram group for Mock Information and Preparations -
Write to us-; dreamervinay4@gmail.com
#NationalUrbanDigitalMissionFellowship #NUDMF #STEPAHEAD #CMYoungProfessionalMP #CMFellowshipMP #StepAhead #chiefministeryoungprofessionalsfordevelopmentprogram #fellowship #youngprofessional #mp #mpgovt #fellowship #cmfellowship #jobsinsocialwork