Today we're looking at the highest protection helmets in EFT, comparing the Altyn to the Maska, Rys-T, Vulkan and LShZ-2DTM.
These helmets give the most protection in the entire game, giving you a decent chance of blocking a shot directly to the face, but have hearing, ergo and movement penalties to balance their strong benefits.
The Altyn is the most well used of all of these helmets with Class 5 over all hitboxes, however some of the other helmets such as the Maska do have their place!
Gear components wiki: https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Gear_components
VoxE's video: https://youtu.be/D34yMexIDww?t=270
Nofood's blog: https://tarkovaftermidnight.wordpress.com/
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00:00:00 Intro
00:00:58 Ears protection/Ricochet
00:02:21 Stats Overview
00:02:50 LShZ-2DTM
00:04:17 Lower Nape Hitbox
00:05:28 Vulkan-5
00:06:50 Maska 1Shch (Killa Helmet)
00:09:16 Altyn
00:11:16 Rys-T
00:12:46 Tagilla Welding Mask
00:14:22 Blindness Protection
Feel free to check out the rest of the channel and my weapons videos below:
Class 5 Armor Breakdown!
Lowest Recoil M4 in 12.11!
Midgame Builds: The AK-101
How Recoil ACTUALLY Works in EFT!
RFB vs Hunter!
Tarkov Budget Guns for PvP!
Tarkov Budget Kits: Cheap Early Loadouts and Efficient Midgame Gear Sets!
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