Last week, i made a ginamos "salted fermented anchovy" (everyone's favorite especially in visayan region) and also my favorite that cannot be taken away from my life (char english) i fermented this for 1week and now ready to serve. Today is rice planting season already, so i prepared some dish (that made from ginamos) and snacks for the people who planted in the ricefield. Thank you God Jesus for the guidance and blessing.
#countrysidelife #riceplanting #meal
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(Free bgm)
Lilim by Victory Worship -Instrumental cover by Adonis Melencion Official
🎵Music provided by 브금대통령
🎵Track : Candy - https://youtu.be/vfUWb_LdCPw
Bgm President
Rabbit Hops https://youtu.be/knopADVNR2o
Music Provided by BGM President
Track : Lulu~lala~ https://youtu.be/xEAyskB7lf
Enjoy Watching!