#Bitcoin #Inflation #HowToHedgeFiat #HedgingwithBitcoin #HedgingBonds #BitcoinInsurance
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0:00 Disclaimer - this is Edutainment and not Financial Advice - The opinions expressed in the video are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security or investment product. It is only intended to provide education about the financial industry.
00:45 Bitcoin Price Action last 11 Years
01:56 Why Inflation Is Punitive
02:23 Money Supply Growth Drives Inflation
03:31 Proof: Quantity Theory of Money
04:15 Breakdown: Quantity Theory of Money
04:50 Inflation up 0.9% in October Alone - Heather Long
05:26 Home Prices - 80% up double digits
05:53 Inflation at 30 year High - BTC ATH - Forbes
06:12 Inverse Correlation
06:28 Inflation Rate of All Currencies - 14% - @Saifedean @Saylor @Pomp
07:44 The Golden Ratio Since Bretton Woods
08:25 15% Inflation is Here - ShadowStats - alternate to CPI
08:40 Ive been talking this up since early 2021…. Saylor 15% hurdle and Jack Dorsey jumped on. Now it is here.
09:00 0% Interest from Bank w 15% Debasement
09:30 What is $1M worth in 10 Years in Today's Purchasing Power
10:28 How Much Bitcoin is needed to Hedge $1M in Cash? we go thru many models
12:00 Bitcoin as a Hedge for Bonds - need 2% BTC
12:44 How Govts Stop Inflation
13:40 What the Govt Reports
14:11 30-yr Treasury bond auction was UGLY - The Taper Tantrum
14:50 The Perfect Hedge - Bitcoin
15:24 The New Balance Sheet
15:50 Follow the Smart Money - All of these guys own #Bitcoin
Tim Cook from Apple
Jack Dorsey
Elon Musk
Stan Druckenmiller
Bill Miller
Paul Tudor Jones
Face with monocle
Cathie Wood
Ray Dalio
It's probably nothing...
16:11 Smart Money Quote - Paul Tudor Jones
16:30 Hash Ribbon Indicates Big Move Up
17:30 All Roads Lead To...