Hello everyone, Happy Diwali to all. May this Diwali bring joy and prosperity.
We all know Diwali is considered as festival of light and on this auspicious occasion I want to shower some light on how it is important to “Bring quality in Life”.
In today’s time we improving our Standard of Living instead of Standard of Life. And there is lot difference in both, day to day we are struggling to improve our standard of living we are really working hard to get new house, new clothes, new car, et cetera. However our quality of life is decreasing.
We are earning money and getting rich side by side we are disrespecting other person, letting them down. We are owning big house but we don’t have big family, today healthcare industry has grown vast but we have poor health, we own big companies but we are disrespecting our employees and are not concerned about people instead we worry about money.
People are getting richer but they are loosing their relationships, their loved ones. By the time we are giving up on humanity to just increase our Standard of Living.
On this Diwali I request you all to increase quality of life and care more about people and their emotions.
Think twice..
Thanks to everyone..
God bless..