Use code AMYKAY to get 30% off your first month at Scentbird: https://sbird.co/3B35D5W
This month I received...
Bright Crystal Absolu by Versace https://sbird.co/3mOUGjF
Jasmin Majorelle by Le Jardin Retrouve https://sbird.co/2Z62tBg
Fall Cashmere by Skylar https://sbird.co/3C6PfCR
TikTok: @AmyKayASMR & @AmyKayASMRFast
Instagram: AmyKayASMR
Twitter: AmyKayASMR
(These Patreon names are not updated for November yet! I promise I'll get to it and change it I've just been so busy ahhh)
Become a Patron to help fund all my props and costumes! :)
Thank you to all my Patrons!!
Curious Bowser, Alas K., Alejandro E., Andy A., Angj B., Apollo, Aria N., Bear, Bill T., Brandon F., BraveVesperia, Brendan M, Caleb L., Cassandra, Chancellor Martok, Chawmander, Christopher S., Cryptoskunks, Dan, Dana H., Dancingpanda, Daniel B., Daniel J., Daniel L., Daniel M., Darin R., Dense Mass, Des, Duncan M., Dz.Crasher, Eero H., Erik, Esgaroth, F, Fabian W., Fabio D., Garage, Hadley M., Hawkeye P., Jack B., Jacob C., Jacquelyn W., James W., Jan P., Jeffrey K., JK, Joel Y., John F., Jordan L., Jornations, Kevin D., LeoHunter, Lizzon, Lock, Marco V., Michal D., Miguel G., Mingy, Mr. Pendulum, Nikita S., Ondarian ASMR, Ontosho, Paddy W., Patrick H., Rafal K., Richie C., Rick G., Rob T., RyanPM60, Saint Allison, Sarah B., Sophia K., Sterling F., Sulky, ThatOneEngie, TheRagingSkwrl, Vector Knight, Vidar, Viktor C., Viktor M., Will C., Will P., Yoriz, Zade
Aaron A., Adam B., AL UK, Alex B., Alexander A., Anahí, Andre C., Andre159, Andrew L., Antikrass, ASMR Musings, Bao H., Bearded Audio ASMR, Bertholet, Bradley S., Brandon J., Brianna R., Buzzn Frogg, Carl, Catherine C., Charles B., Chris H., Chris M., Christian N., Colleen B., Daniel, David E., David L., Deendra L., Elad A., Elias G., FatCat3441, Finnegan M., Frank D., Gabriel, Gary H., Gustaf, Ian M., Inzayn, J Jamerson, Jackson, Jade Kitchen, James J., Javier, Jay J., Jess, Just Call Me AJ, Just Jack, Justin M., Kavisánszki I., Kevin B., Kevin S., Kristen R., Kyle, Liefy Greens, Lieutenant Walrus, Lima M., Lucas L., Malia J., Marco S., Mare B., Matt E., Matthew W., Max A., Memomeister, Mendrael, MisterOOPs, Mudcrab, Mundilfari, Nadir, Nicolas, Nubia J., Owen L., P, Philip M., Pix, PJR, Rex9460, Ripxdoc, Robert M., Ronald C., Roundone9, RunnyMonkey, Saida, Samewise, Sarah Lynn, Scott M., Sommite, SteadiestRhyme, Steven S., Stilche, Stryk R., SweetrollDealer, Teejaye, TrueFool, Wilmer D., Wingblade, Wubba Lubba Dub Dub, Xekcep, Yamil T., Zukhov