A Day in The Life of an American Truck Driver - Road Rage, Brake Check, Car Crash, Instant Karma USA

A Day in The Life of an American Truck Driver - Road Rage, Brake Check, Car Crash, Instant Karma USA

🛑 All videos are used with the copyright holder's permissions! (CHECK THE COMMENT SECTION OF EVERY LINK BELOW) ✔️

⚫ Submit your Dashcam video: dashcamlessons@gmail.com

⚫ Links to the original videos:

1. GunWorm - https://youtu.be/Vh2qln4Uw24 --- why are california drivers so damn stupid? (on I-15 CA )

GunWorm - https://youtu.be/SV4LDowHRLc --- be sure to check your landing gear ( )

GunWorm - https://youtu.be/MFT9V4myY7E --- typical day driving in Denver ( )

2. SP Detectors - https://youtu.be/0kWJxGz5hbs --- Dodge Ram pick up truck driver attack on FedEx driver ( Tulsa, OK )

3. Ben Schmidt - https://youtu.be/zE1cK6Rakus --- Semi Truck T-Bones Car ( south of Gaylord Minnesota )

Ben Schmidt - https://youtu.be/w5iodyhw8p4 --- Pulled over in Chicago ( )

4. Jimmy Mack - https://youtu.be/oT4Yb7Wbjfk --- Hit & Run ( Jackson, MI )

5. Snorelord The Metalhead Viking Caveman Trucker - https://youtu.be/4z8u4WndnsU --- I Prevented an Accident! ( )

Snorelord The Metalhead Viking Caveman Trucker - https://youtu.be/yuutN1szjOE --- 18 Wheeler VS Canadian Geese ( )

6. Jake - https://youtu.be/3xBGCYwzH-4 --- Hit and Run The other driver never stopped, and I turned this in to my company for them to handle. ( on I-40 in Tennessee around mile marker 103 )

7. GunWorm - https://youtu.be/NcTYVTTrsAM --- almost getting blown off the road by a texas thunderstorm ( )

GunWorm - https://youtu.be/DVMEwYR4k5M --- just grab any lane there dipshit ( )

8. Іван - https://youtu.be/C9yPDhbAlRQ --- OPP rear ended another vehicle on the QEW in Oakville, ON

9. 3alpeter - https://youtu.be/nJHOk5eoxd0 --- dumb F-ing drivers assume we sopost to slow down for them... ( )

10. Eugene Kuleshoff - https://youtu.be/D1sseW4Ol8k --- Accident ( Buffalo, NY )

11. toshiro - --- ( )

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