Tarot By Janine Shares a snowy Day And Shares some cool Videos She Is Watching!
Have A Look!
ASHALA YARDLEY-YouTube channel
Ashmi Pathela-Artist/Writer
instagram: @ashmi.path
sendingravens.com : For Bath and Body Product orders!
Wanting to book a Reading with Ashley?
Website- https://linktr.ee/ashleysageesoterics
Instagram- @sage.ism. Here is The Beehive's website if you wish to check it out...https://thebeehiveonline.com/
If you wish to support my channel, PayPal to tarotbyjanine@gmail.com...or use this link--------- https://ko-fi.com/janine12
My videos are for entertainment purposes only, just my opinion based on my card readings.
Thank you for your support!! xx
Patreon.com - look for Janine Morigeau or follow this link: