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SNES Music Orchestrated - Super Castlevania IV - Room Of Associates
This is one of many tracks from the classic NES game Super Castlevania IV
I try to stay as true to the original as possible to capture the feel of the original game, but improve the realism with modern Orchestral Sample librairies.
The main librairies I use in my remakes are:
East West - Hollywood Woodwinds Gold
East West - Hollywood Brass Gold
East West - Hollywood Strings Gold
Orchestral Tools - Metropolis Ark 1 ( Strings, Choirs )
Orchestral Tools - Timpani
Musical Sampling - Adventure Strings
Musical Sampling - Adventure Brass
Musical Sampling - Soaring Strings
Performance Samples - Caspian Brass
Cinesamples - Cineharps
Cinesamples - Cine harpsichord
Cinesamples - Hollywoodwinds
Project Sam - True Strike
Impact Soundworks - Rhapsody Orchestral Percussions
Native Instruments - The Giant ( Piano )
Soundiron - Lakeside Pipe Organ
Soundiron - Apocalypse Percussion Elements
If you have any question about the sample librairies or other topics, don't hesitate to comment.
And of course, subscribe to my channel if you like the content:)
I'll try to post as many good old Game music as possible.