This is my Second WHY HiFi video where I showcase a killer HiFi system and the Audiophile who owns it, asking them about their motivations for why they spend the time and money to build such a killer HiFi system.
The system in this video is featuring TAD Reference One speakers, C600 pre amplifier and M700 power amplifiers https://www.technicalaudiodevices.com/
A 5 not 6 box source system from Esoteric Grandioso CD Player, dual clocks and dual power supplies https://www.esoteric.jp/en/category/grandioso
The REL Acoustics 6 Pack of No.25 Subwoofers
Stillpoints isolation https://www.stillpoints.us/
As is explained at the end of the video Michael the owner of this system is keen to work with potential customers of TAD systems similar to this one so he can give back and share experience and knowledge and passion for the products and the brand. This will need to be organised through Nintronics HiFi dealer and their contact details are on their website www.nintronics.co.uk
I offer a Professional Dirac Live Calibration Service, for more information please visit www.diraclivecalibration.com
If you would like to know more come and visit my main website www.pursuitperfectsystem.com
Come and see me on Facebook @PursuitPerfectSystem
On Instagram @terrypursuitperfectsystem
For Exclusive content, Extended Reviews and Sound Demo videos consider joining my Patreon https://www.patreon.com/PursuitPerfectSystem?fan_landing=true
0:00 Intro
1:51 Biggest Mistake
2:52 Best Upgrade
3:14 Most Critical Component
5:00 Why TAD
8:56 The 6 Pack
9:55 System Sound Like
11:35 The Journey
12:39 B.T.S
Thanks for watching - Terry Ellis Pursuit Perfect System
#BestHiFi #WhyHiFi #HiFiAddiction
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