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If you were stuck in a disaster zone where the entire country is sinking into the ground, what would you do? When help is nowhere to be found, you’ll have to do the most savage things to stay alive. I’m here to break down the mistakes made, what you should do and how to beat the DEADLY EARTHQUAKES in Tokyo Sinks.
Narrated by Griffin
Directed by Albert Pranoto and Dom Jeswal
Written by Dom Jeswal
Edited by Albert Pranoto
What other things the team is up to:
Wanna hire Griffin (the voice guy)? Check him out here :https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01e15ca46beb05764f?viewMode=1
When Dom (the WRITER) and Albert (the EDITOR ) aren't here, we GAME! Come play and talk with us ❤️:
Are you an anime couple that's getting married soon? Want to preserve your wedding bouquet? Then check out: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MayanaRoseCreativeCo