Aspects in Astrology: The Five Major Configurations

Aspects in Astrology: The Five Major Configurations

An introduction to the five major aspects in astrology, where we explain what they mean in a birth chart, with astrologers Chris Brennan and Claire Moon.

The five major aspects, also sometimes known as the Ptolemaic aspects, are the conjunction, opposition, trine, square, and sextile.

Aspects are geometrical configurations which denote different types of relationships between planets, and they are the primary means through which planets interact with each other in a chart.

During the course of the episode we give an introduction to the topic of aspects and then get into what each of the them mean symbolically.

This is episode 323 of The Astrology Podcast:

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00:00:00 Intro
00:00:59 New Introduction to Astrology course
00:01:52 Intro to aspects
00:04:13 Conjunction
00:09:49 Orbs
00:14:23 History of aspects
00:15:19 The 5 major aspects
00:21:01 Sign-based aspects
00:32:40 Aversions
00:37:13 Degree-based aspects
00:39:50 Applying vs. separating aspects
00:50:06 Orbs for aspects
00:51:34 The meaning of aspects
00:51:55 Porphyry on bearing testimony
00:54:56 Basic nature of the aspects
01:00:48 Hard aspects: square and opposition
01:05:55 Conjunctions
01:10:53 Oppositions
01:11:48 Houses and oppositions
01:19:56 Elemental qualities and oppositions
01:20:33 Full Moon and New Moon
01:30:49 Squares
01:33:30 Left side and right side aspects
01:36:44 Interpreting squares
01:44:00 Trines
01:49:39 Sextiles
01:54:02 Aspects in the birth chart
01:54:30 Aspects from transits to the birth chart
01:55:41 George Lucas natal chart
02:03:50 Aspects in synastry
02:08:57 Aspects in mundane astrology
02:15:24 Archetypal Explorer
02:18:40 Aspect patterns
02:25:38 Introduction to Astrology course launch in November
02:25:50 Hellenistic Astrology book
02:26:22 Hellenistic Astrology course
02:26:38 Claire's offerings and website
02:27:49 Concluding remarks

aspects in astrologyaspects astrologyastrology aspects

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