DB ANIME BATTLE: LUI vs SHU- GUILTY LONGINUS vs ASTRAL SPRIGGAN Beyblade Burst DB Dynamite Battle. Shu Kurenai and Astral Spriggan Over Quattro-0 challenge Lui Shirosagi and his Guilty Longinus Karma Metal Destroy-2 in a Beyblade Burst DB Battle (Dynamite Battle) Season 6. Episode 36 Beyblade Burst DB QuadDrive Dynamite Battle Anime: The Crimson Super Star: Astral Spriggan!! (紅の超星(アストラルスプリガン))Tyranny of the Eight-Headed Dragon! Guilty Longinus! 八や竜りゅうの暴君!ギルティロンギヌス!EPIC BATTLE: Guilty Luinor L7 vs Astral Spryzen S7 Beyblade Burst QuadDrive. アストラルスプリガン vs ギルティロンギヌス
Episode 20 The Crimson Super Star: Astral Spriggan!! (紅の超星(アストラルスプリガン
Episode 25 Episode 25: Tyranny of the Eight-Headed Dragon! Guilty Longinus! 八や竜りゅうの暴君!ギルティロンギヌス!
Order Guilty Longinus here https://www.ebay.com/itm/164629844438
TO BUY Takara Tomy beyblades check out JJ store on ebay:
Guilty Longinus is a Metal Dragon left spin beyblade with 8 Metal Dragon Heads on the layer!! It has 2 metal Dragon Heads on the core that represent the Whyte Tyrant Ice Spear Dragon and is surrounded by blue with a transparent plastic hole in the middle of it. It has 6 metal dragon heads on the blade, 4 are above the blade inclined for upper attacks and 2 under the blade. Has a 2 armor and a Karma disk with 10 dangerous spikes. The driver Metal Destroy has a dash spring inside but has Metal that could damage the teeth over time , while Astral Spriggan has 16 modes with a flippable blade which has rubber for left spin and spin stealing , has metal on the blade for right spin attack, has a cool core with the Spriggan head and an S symbol in the middle with sky blue around the core, has a 0 armorand an Over disk which is very round, and finally the Quattro driver which has 4 modes: Attack (rubber flat), Defense (metal ball), Balance (rubber around the plastic tip) and Stamina (sharp metal tip).
SPECIAL MOVES: Astral Slash (Astral Spark, Counter Break) vs Guilty Smash (Guilty Upper)
B-189 アギルティロンギヌス.Kr.Mds-2 vs B-188 アストラルスプリガンOv.Qt-0 ベイブレードバーストDBダイナマイトバトル 신제품 리뷰 - 베이블레이드 버스트 갓 위닝 발키리의 Бейблэйд Спрайзен 5세대 배틀 - 발키리 ,빅토리 발키리의 , بلبل بي باتل 스톰스프리건위닝 발키리 , 완전체 스트라이크 - 베이블레이드 버스트 초제츠 BATTAGLIA BEYBLADE BURST SUPER Z GACHI GT RISE SPARKING SUPER KING DYNAMITE BATTLE
Beyblade Burst SWITCH STRIKE TURBO RISE SUPERKING DYNAMITE! Please if you like my content leave a like and subscribe! Beyblade Burst God Evolution Chouzetsu Turbo Z Gachi GT Sparking HASBRO タカラトミー TAKARATOMY
#ShuvsLuiDB #beyblade #ベイブレードバーストDB #DBAnime #GuiltyLuinorvsAstralSpryzen #AstralSpryzen #GuiltyLuinor #anime #ShuvsLuiAnime #beybladeburstDB #battle #animebattle #BeybladeBurst #DB #베이블레이드버스트 #BeybladeBurstDynamite #ベイブレードバーストDBダイナマイトバトル