Taking control of our beetle brethren in Empires of the Undergrowth!
Empires is now available on the Epic Store, if you feel like picking the game up there you can use my affiliate link to help the channel out - https://store.epicgames.com/manoftheantz/empires-of-the-undergrowth
You can find the playlist for Empires of the Undergrowth here - https://mota.yt/MotAEotUPL
If you think you might enjoy Empires of the Undergrowth you can find it here - https://store.steampowered.com/app/463530/Empires_of_the_Undergrowth/
You can find out more about Empires of the Undergrowth here - http://www.eotugame.com/
#empiresoftheundergrowth #eotu
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Discord - https://mota.yt/MotADiscord
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Intro & outro music by Man of the Antz & friends