Mcdonlads and food poisoning
Watch the full version of this episode ▻ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3jUZvbCaCY&t=7973
All Full PKA Episodes ▻ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIPVJoHb_A5S3kcv3TJlyEg
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PKA Clips and PKA Highlights are uploaded from the weekly podcast PKA found on woodysgamertag channel. FPSRussia (Kyle) and MurkaDurka (Taylor) are the other co-hosts
The painkiller already podcast has had many popular guests including: Danny Mullen, Kwebbelkop, Mr. Beast, Destiny, Arian Foster, Epic Meal Time, Jericho (Tucker), Anthony Cumia, Optic, Chris Hanson, Ice Poseidon, Boogie2988, John Mcafee and many others.
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