A Prayer to Pray Over Your Children Each Morning()POWER OF PRAYER MINISTRY()PRAYING FOR MICKALA

A Prayer to Pray Over Your Children Each Morning()POWER OF PRAYER MINISTRY()PRAYING FOR MICKALA

#overyourchildren #eachmorning #PowerofPrayerministry
A Prayer to Pray Over Your Children Each Morning #prayingformickala
A Prayer to Pray Over Your Children Each Morning()POWER OF PRAYER MINISTRY()PRAYING FOR MICKALA
As parents, grandparents, mentors, and leaders, we have been given the incredible power to make a difference in the world through the lives of the children we love. And though many of us pray for our kids daily and strongly believe in the power of prayer, it's sometimes hard to know how to pray strategically, or even what exactly to pray for.
There’s a battle over our families today, and the enemy would love nothing more than to destroy all that we hold dear in this life. He’ll do everything he can to lure our kids his way. But we don't have to let him win. Here’s hope from God’s word to remember…
Prayer is powerful, and His words are true. I'm aware more than ever, of just how much our kids need our prayers. It's one of the most important gifts we could ever give to them in this life. God knows our hearts, He sees, He hears, and is always at work, even when we can't fully see.
Our children are His. And no matter where they go, how old they are, or what they’re facing in this life, they are secure in His care. They’re in His hands, and He has great purpose for them in this life. God loves each one of them so much more than we could ever imagine.
We may not be able to be with them every hour of every day. But He is.
We may not see every struggle, every worry, every burden that can weigh our kids down from day to day. But He does.
And He is always there, carrying them, and us, straight through.
Though it’s true, this world may seem dark many days, God calls us to be light, to make a difference in this life. Praying daily for our children, and for this generation to hold fast to that call. I'm freshly challenged and determined, more than ever before, to pray strategic prayers of blessing and hope over our kids and families, today and every day.



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