This video explain the parts of an atom their charges and their mass, and what is a proton, neutron and electron.
Even though atoms are very small, they are made up of even smaller things. You can learn a lot about the parts that make up an atom and what holds an atom together. In this video you`ll learn about how atoms are alike and how they are different. But first you`ll find out just how small an atom really is.
Parts of an atom?
Electrons are negatively charged particles found in electron clouds outside the nucleus. The size of the electron clouds determines the size of the atom.
Proton are positively charged particles in the nucleus of an atom.
The nucleus is the small, dense, positively charged center of the atom. it contains most of the atom`s mass
neutrons are particles in the nucleus of an atom that have no charge.
The diameter of the nucleus is 1/100,000 the diameter of the atom.
What is an Atom made Of?
As tiny as an atom is, it is made up of even smaller particles. These particles are protons, neutrons, and electrons.
The particles in the pictures are not shown in their correct proportions. If they were, the electrons would be too small to see.
Proton a subatomic particle that has a positive charge and that is found in the nucleus of an atom
atomic mass unite a unit of mass that describes the mass of an atom or molecule
neutron a subatomic particle that has no charge and that is found in the nucleus of an atom
Name the two kinds of particles that can be found in the nucleus?
protons are positively charged particles in the nucleus. it is too small because the masses of particles in atoms are so small, scientists made a new unit for them. The SI unit used to express the masses of particles in atoms is the atomic mass unit(amu) . Each proton has a mass of about 1 amu.
Neutron are the particles of the nucleus that have no electrical charge. Neutrons are a little more massive than protons are. But the difference in mass is so small that the mass of a neutron can be thought of as 1 amu.
proton and neutrons are the most massive particles in an atom. But the volume of the nucleus is very small. So, the nucleus is very dense. If it were possible to have a nucleus the volume of a grape, that nucleus would have a mass greater than 9 million metric tons.
Atoms are extremely small. Ordinary-sized objects are made up of very large numbers of atoms.
Atoms consist of a nucleus, Which has protons and usually neutrons, and electrons, located in electron clouds around the nucleus.
An atom is the basic unit particle of matter that uniquely defines a chemical element.
0:00 intro
0:10 Atom is the smallest unit of an element and it is made up of smaller.
0:20 proton a subatomic particle that has a positive charge and that is found in the nucleus of an atom.
0:30 neutron a subatomic particle that has no charge and that is found in the nucleus of an atom.
0:40 Electron are negatively charged particles found in electron clouds outside the nucleus. The size of the electron clouds.
atom is the smallest unit of an element that maintains the properties of that element
What you will learn
Describe the size of an atom.
Name the parts of an atom.
Describe the relationship between numbers of protons and neutrons
An atom consists of a central nucleus that is usually surrounded by one or more electrons in which each electron has a negative charge, the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is the atomic number of the chemical element.