#useofthere #spokenenglish #basicgrammar #personalitydevelopment
#interviewpreparation #sentenceformation #howtoframesentences
Dear Students,
Effective sentence formation is the key to be a good speaker. Here I am going to share the use of There with its complete description. It will not only enhance your knowledge but also it will help you a lot in your conversation so do watch this video till end and do share your valuable comments in the comment box of this video. For more discussions and queries, you may write to me shukla.ruchi171@gmail.com.
Happy Learning !
1. मै वहां लेट पहुंचा |
I reached there late.
2. उस दिन वो वहीं था |
That day he was there only.
3. वो तीन दिन बाद भी वहीं था |
He was there after three days also.
4. वह फ्रिज वहां नहीं थी |
That fridge was not there.
5. एक बजे वो वहां नही था |
He was not there at 1 ‘o’ clock.
6. तुम वहां कितने बजे पहुंचोगे?
What time will you reach there.
7. क्या तुम वहां इस टाइम अवेलेबल हो?
Are you available there this time?
8. तुम वहां कब गए थे?
When did you go there?
9. क्या वे लोग वहां प्रेजेंट हैं?
Are they present there?
10. ये पेन वहीं कहीं होगा , ठीक से चेक करो।
This pen will be there only, you check it well.
11. ये मंदिर वहीं कहीं होगा , हमें ढूढ़ना पड़ेगा।
This temple will there only, we will have to search it.
12. ड्रॉर को फ़िर से चेक करो , चाबी वहीं कहीं होगी।
Check the drawer again, the key must be over there only.