Understanding the totality of Robert Adam's and Nisargadatta's teachings based on my experiences

Understanding the totality of Robert Adam's and Nisargadatta's teachings based on my experiences

Of the truth that cannot be experienced. In this video, Ed carefully explains the teachings of Robert Adams and Nisargadatta on an experiential level. There are the seekers experiences of absolute emptiness, or the Void, and of being separate, the subject, watching waking and sleeping consciousnesses, come and go. Waking and sleep consciousness also comes and goes each day for everyone, but usually they pay no attention. But the totality of both these teachers teachings is contained in the waking experience of everyone. That is why both recommend exploring the waking up experience each morning.Never before has anyone compared and contrasted the teachings of these two teachers. Ed is a student of Jean Dunn, who was the successor of Nisargadatta, and of Robert Adams with whom he studied for eight years, and is abundantly aware of all their teachings and the experiences to be had, and even more so, the truth that cannot be experienced. https://youtu.be/qfsQVQzrAT4


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