Truth about HIV and all other Viruses purported to be contagious.

Truth about HIV and all other Viruses purported to be contagious.

“It is not proven that AIDS is caused by HIV infection, nor is it proven it plays a role whatever in the syndrome” - Dr Harry Rubin, University of California.

Scientist were actively looking for retroviruses to be the cause of cancer - Virus Hunters - typical Germ theory approach. Dr Rasnick mentions in his presentation how existing symptoms are packaged together, given a new name and then a ‘virus’ comes along as the cause of this ‘new’ found disease. Dr T C Fry also explains this in detail. Interesting at the end he mentions SARS...

“ The HIV hypothesis is a hoax that became a scam” Dr Bernard Forscher

Full Video - Dr David Rasnick : The Biggest Medical Blunder of All Time. HIV AIDS - Question Everything youtube channel
Reposted from @foundverity


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