The Dangers of a U.S. - China Cold War - Richard D Wolff

The Dangers of a U.S. - China Cold War - Richard D Wolff

Prof Wolff explains how the U.S. political decision to ratchet up nationalist and anti-communist sentiments against China is dangerous for both country's economies and more. Can we learn from historical examples about the dangers of initiating conflict and the benefits of keeping a positive trade relationship?

“It is my hope that we do not let petty political calculations of scapegoat artists like Mr. Trump, and like Mr. Biden sometimes threatens to become, undo a cooperative mechanism.” - Richard D Wolff

This is a clip from the lecture "The Challenge of China [July 2021]." In the full lecture, Prof Wolff discusses the following topics:

1. China’s Economic Growth since its Revolution (1949)
2. China’s Economic “Model” and the Global Economy
3. China, Capitalism, and Socialism
4. China versus the US: Options versus Threats

Watch the full lecture:
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Stuck Nation: Can the United States Change Course on Our History of Choosing Profits Over People?

“Hennelly brilliantly analyzes our capitalist crises and how individuals cope with them, tragically but often heroically. He helps us draw inspiration and realistic hope from how courageous Americans are facing and fixing a stuck nation.”
- Richard D. Wolff

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