Jai Aahuja rescued 10,000 Pakistani Hindus and facilitated 3,000 in getting Indian citizenship. After CAA, the hopes were high but it is yet to be implemented. Hindu refugees are paying Pakistan embassy in lakhs to get their documents renewed. There is no provision to get children of refugees citizenship before they are 21 years of age. Ajeet Bharti interviews Jai Aahuja, president of Nimittekam (organisation that actively helps Pakistani minorities get Indian citizenship), who narrates the horrific ordeals of Pakistani Hindus. #RefugeeCrisis #PakistaniHindu #Nimittekam
For more info on what Nimittekam does, please visit: www.nimittekam.org
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This video is about: Nimittekam, Jai Ahuja, Jai Aahuja, Dr Omendra Ratnu, Jodhpur refugee colony, Pakistani hindus, pak hindu refugees, Pakistan minority, Imran khan, pak hindus, pakistani sikh, CAA, NRC, NPR, narendra modi, citizenship in india, hindus in Pakistan, minority in Pakistan, modi sarkaar, narendra modi, amit shah, home minister, refugee colony, majnu ka tila refugee, ajeet bharti, ajit bharti, do clips, ajit bharti latest, ajeet bharti latest video, ajeet bharti video today, ajeet bharti do politics, ajtee bharti news analysis, ajeet bharti roast, ajeet bharti satire, ajeet bharti do politics,