Legal Experts Think Matt Gaetz Eloped To Keep His New Wife From Testifying Against Him

Legal Experts Think Matt Gaetz Eloped To Keep His New Wife From Testifying Against Him

Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz "eloped" over the weekend with his fiancee of nearly one year GingerLuckey. This kind of thing is not uncommon for people, but it is for a wealthy sitting member of Congress. Legal experts believe that there could be ulterior motives for the sudden marriage - it could be a move that prevents Luckey from testifying against her new husband in the ongoing investigation. Farron Cousins explains what's happening.

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Belated. Congratulations are in order, uh, for Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz, who decided over the weekend to go ahead and just, uh, what they're calling elope with his now wife, ginger lucky, uh, in the state of California, small ceremony, about 40 people really kind of last minute, as far as everybody knows, or at least they did a very good job of not letting the press know that this was happening either way, congrats to Matt gates. And now ginger lucky gates on their marriage. But see this whole thing's a little odd, right after all Matt gates has a guy that knows lots of people. He's got a very well connected family over here in Florida. Ginger lucky has lots of friends out in California where she has a very good job. So why? And for the record, I, as far as I know, at least Matt gates, his family has a lot of money.

So why just suddenly do this like this? You know why now? Because you've been engaged for, you know, nearly a year, you got engaged at the end of last year. So why just suddenly wait until this point in time, Matt gates had just been an Iowa. It's not like he was scheduled to be in California. It was convenient. Something doesn't smell right about this. And the legal experts were very quick to weigh in and explain why this doesn't smell right. And it's because here in the state of Florida, your spouse cannot be required to testify against you. If you're under investigation, I believe we also have some federal laws that prohibit that as well. Here's what happens if you have told your spouse something in confidence about maybe something you did that was illegal. And then they, you know, the authorities call your spouse to testify against you. You can invoke that spousal privilege is what it's called spousal privilege. You can invoke that and then your spouse cannot be forced to testify against you. Even if you've told them about crimes, you may have committed, but it only kicks in when that person is legally your spouse, because these laws were written to protect trust within the marriage.


Now refresh my memory on this as Matt gates under investigation for anything where he may not want people close to him, testifying, um, oh, that's right. He is. Oh, and that's right. We also recently had another bombshell of all of this information being turned over by Joel Greenberg. And we also recently had the stories where ginger lucky sister admitted that they all knew Matt gates was a creep from the start. And weren't surprised in the least, according to the sister, when this story about the investigation into him was revealed in the press. So, Hey, there's a good possibility that Matt gates and ginger lucky just decided, you know what, screw it. It's COVID times we don't need a big fancy flashy wedding. Let's just get married with a couple of friends in California or Matt could have had ulterior motives. Maybe he wanted to go ahead and put the ring on it to make sure she couldn't go and testify against him. We may never exactly know the truth, unless of course, ginger lucky gets called to testify and they do end up invoking that spousal privilege. And if that happens, there will be no doubt in my mind that this was quite literally a marriage of convenience for Mr. Gates.

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