#immunity #vaccination #Synthesit
The fact that Synthesit helps to manage common side effects following vaccination is proven.
Dr. Zhorova, a general practitioner (GP), decided to contact us. She shared her personal experience of having complications and the effect of Synthesit action as well which helped her to manage the situation.
According to Dr. Zhorova, who has more than a 20-year experience, after she had received her first dose of vaccine, she had a fever/high temperature up to 39C, a headache and other severe symptoms. It was getting worse, however, before calling an ambulance Dr. Zhorova decided to take the bioactive mineral Synthesit. It changed the situation completely, and the doctor gave us a video call to share as fast as possible.
We are eager to share this important information since there are thousands of people who are trying to find something that can help them manage the possible postvaccination side effects.
Learn more about the biogenic mineral Synthesit by visiting the manufacturers’ websites:
Made in Russia: https://synthesit.ru/en
Made in Switzerland: https://synthesit.ch