[ hot/badass edit audios that will make you feel like the main character ]
i do not own any of these audios so here are the timestamps and the owners (on both soundcloud and instagram)
00:00 - woman | twshit
(on soundcloud)
00:40 - esta noche | visionairies
(on soundcloud)
01:06 - temperature | dollavfx
(on soundcloud)
01:35 - i wanna be your slave | spli.taudios
(on instagram)
02:04 - mr.saxobeat | koleaudios
(on instagram)
02:36 - bundles | dollavfx
(on soundcloud)
03:04 - d!ck | IJX
(on soundcloud)
03:34 - the way i are | dollavfx
(on soundcloud)
04:04 - sosa | baelarke
(on soundcloud)
04:31 - she's my collar | grxrsplits
(on instagram)
04:56 - bills bills bills | stereoaudios
(on instagram)
05:20 - perfect | qetschs
(on soundcloud)
05:54 - better off alone | IJX
(on soundcloud)
06:26 - don't start now remix | stelleraudios
(on instagram)
06:59 - the hills | badxs.audioss
(on instagram)
07:35 - homies | grxrsplits
(on instagram)
08:02 - hotncold | notchilllasagna
(on soundcloud)
08:31 - selective memory | richbruder
(on soundcloud)
09:01 - let me blow your mind | spli.taudios
(on instagram)
09:25 - love game | koleaudios
(on instagram)
10:08 - lights down low | galsaudios
(on soundcloud)
10:53 - crazy in love | dollavfx
(on soundcloud)