Free Blogging Course - 7 Profitable Niche that can earn Rs 1 to 10 Lakh /Month from Blogging
Cheapest Hosting :- https://bit.ly/3qOKVTP
This is the Part 1 of "Free Blogging Course". We will make a complete blogging course in parts. This video will help you select a Niche that you can start with.
In Part 2 of this series we will make a [Free and Paid] blog based on the niches that we have discussed in Part 1.
This "Free Blogging Course" is the most practical course that you would have every encountered. We will make a fresh blog in from you you and tell you our future plan for next 2 years.
In the course of 2 years we will show you each and every thing that we are doing in this blog.
Start Your New Blog :- https://www.deepawaliseotips.com/start-a-blog/
Free Blog review Form :- https://www.deepawaliseotips.com/free-blog-review/
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Time Stamp
00:00 Teaser
00:37 2 Years Roadmap
02:50 What is a Niche
03:56 Niche FAQ
05:18 My Working Model
07:08 Why i Choose Wordpress
08:19 How to choose Keyword Volume
09:07 Write Down all Niches on paper
10:16 First Niche and Earning Potential
15:43 Second Niche and Earning Potential
18:19 Third Niche and Earning Potential
26:28 Fourth Niche and Earning Potential
32:15 Fifth Niche and Earning Potential
37:03 Sixth Niche Bewkoof.com Example
37:51 Seventh Niche and Earning Potential
43:24 How to search Keyword Volume
46:38 Outro