Employment Rights of People Touched by Cancer

Employment Rights of People Touched by Cancer

Individuals who have been diagnosed with cancer, including those in treatment and post treatment, can face significant employment challenges. With knowledge of employment discrimination laws and of their employees' individual needs, employers can aid in the workplace transitions for people who are touched by cancer. This webinar described:

• The types of employment problems individuals with cancer may experience
• Federal laws that govern the rights of most employees who have been touched by cancer (Americans with Disabilities Act; Family and Medical Leave Act; Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act)
• How employers can accommodate employees with cancer in the workplace and avoid discrimination

Brought to you by Workplace Transitions for People Touched by Cancer, a collaboration of Anthem, Inc., Cancer and Careers, Pfizer, SEDL (an affiliate of American Institutes for Research) and the U.S. Business Leadership Network (USBLN).


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