@CNN ’s Jake Tapper makes the questionable comparison of calling the retrieval of troops from Afghanistan a “Saigon moment” given the duration of the war and the loss of lives. Secretary of State Antony Blinken tells Tapper that the war in Afghanistan has been successful unlike British and Russian occupation of Afghanistan during the 20th century. The Majority Report crew discusses how the war did not achieve anything in the name of justice after 9/11, the United States managed to feed the industrial-military complex for decades, and launch a second war.
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Sam Seder: I love this concept of a “Saigon moment”, it's not a “Saigon moment”. I mean it's not like the definition of this, it’s not a function of us flying out of there and people hanging on to the planes or the helicopters as it were at Saigon. The definition of this is the real lesson is that we can't do what we think we can do and we need to stop pretending.
Emma Vigeland: ...To do what we think we can do is my point too. Like we can't do what we think we can do, which is you know set up infrastructure by not and we didn't even put the effort to do it.
Sam Seder: Here's clip number two.
Jake Tapper: This troop surge to airlift Americans out of Afghanistan, aren't we already in the midst of a Saigon moment?
Anthony Blinken: No we're not, remember this is not Saigon. We went to Afghanistan 20 years ago with one mission and that mission was to deal with the folks who attacked us on 9/11 and we have succeeded in that mission the objective that we set bringing those who attacked us to justice, making sure that they couldn't attack us again from Afghanistan. We've succeeded in that mission, and in fact, we succeeded a while ago, and at the same time remaining in Afghanistan for another one five ten years is not in the national interest you know the British were there for a long time in the 19th century uh the Russians were there for a long time in the 20th century we've now been there twice as long as the Russians and how that's in our national interest I don't see. And as i mentioned a moment ago, I think most of our strategic competitors around the world would like nothing better than for us to remain in Afghanistan for another year five years ten years, and have uh those resources dedicated to being in the midst of a civil war. It's simply not in our interest.