#CostaRicaLife #livinginCostaRica #Expensive 'Costa Rica is EXPENSIVE Yes or No? Living on the CHEAP ' Thinking about living in Costa Rica? Is Costa Rica expensive? What is the cost of living in Costa Rica? D'Angelo and I decided to fix his couch for his Airbnb. The couch was nice, soft, comfortable but the 'italian leather was flaking off'... lol. We found a lady in our town of La Fortuna who reupholstered couches and chairs for a living in Costa Rica. Would she 'gringo price us? What about the quality of work, would it be up to jour standards? We have lived in Costa Rica long enough to know that quality of work can be a problem to say the least. Here's what can happen. A friend recommends someone. We have no other options so we say, 'yes'. If the work is sub-par, what do we do? Sue? Get pissy? Refuse the product? If you have lived in Costa Rica long enough you realize that many times we just go with the flow. If the work sucks, so be it. Want to find out what happened to our sofa, couch? All the answers are in this video, 'Costa Rica is EXPENSIVE Yes or No? How Much Would it Cost If...' Costa Rica is EXPENSIVE Yes or No? Living on the CHEAP
Thinking about making the move to Costa Rica? Living the 'Pura Vida' in Costaa Rica? You did your research. You did your homework. You have heard the stories about how Costa Rica is sooooo expensive. But is it ? It is true that Costa Rica can be expensive. Everyone say it. But does it have to be? Real estate can be expensive. Cars can be expensive. Cost of living can be expensive. But again, does it have to be. So in this video, D'Angelo an myself decide to put 'Costa Rica is expensive' to the test. D'Angelo has 2 cute apartments on AirBnb. Smack dab in the middle of La Fortuna Costa Rica. Literally, 2 minutes for everything you need. In one of D'Angelo's Airbnb's he has a couch, very comfortable but the Italian leather was flaking off....... haha, Italian leather my ass. lol. He needed to fix it. We got a name. Some lady did this kind of work 'reupholster' here in La Fortuna. OMG! We went, her 'shop' was a hole in the wall and although not pleasant to the eye, we heard she did great work. For this video, we decided not to ask her how much it would cost. Nothing. Not the material. Not the labor cost. Nothing. We were apprehensive to say the least. Ok, here we go. What's going to happen is anyone's guess. Want to know the answer... the cost? We got it in this video- Costa Rica is EXPENSIVE Yes or No? How Much Would it Cost If..' We want to break the myth that Costa Rica is totally expensive. Although that can be true, it doesn't have to be. There re 'hacks' on living in Costa Rica. Costa Rica is EXPENSIVE Yes or No? Living on the CHEAP
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Feedback? Comments/Questions? Email us at info@travelcostaricanow.com I hope you ENjoYed this video, 'Costa Rica is EXPENSIVE Yes or No? Living on the CHEAP From all of us t Travel Costa Rica NOW.com Pura Vida