Hello everyone! This Sunday's ASMR video is a detailed physical examination RP.
Cranial Nerve Exam, motor function assessment, sensory function assessment, and assessment of reflexes. I hope you like it💖
~This weeks Discord Winners~
*** MarioSumD, Natalka & Matty***
My Upload Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday
For more ASMR videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/LiziASMR?sub_confirmation=1
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Welcome to my channel, my name is Lizi,
I have a passion for ASMR and want to improve myself by making videos on Youtube. Your feedback is very important to me! Please leave your positive or negative feedback so I can make future videos better:) If you enjoy my content; you can subscribe and click 🔔 to get notified when I upload new ASMR videos.
***Ways you can support me***
- https://www.patreon.com/LiziASMR
What is ASMR?
Disclaimer: *** This video is created for entertainment purposes only and cannot replace any medication, professional treatment, or therapy. If you have sleep/anxiety/psychological troubles please consult your physician first.
In this video I want you to experience the tingly sensation in your ear by quality binaural recordings which are aimed to help you fall asleep, relax and entertain.
#ASMR #PhysicalExamination #LiziASMR