Americans are addicted to prescription drugs. Conventional doctors know this, and it supports the treatment of conditions as opposed to treating conditions or advising lifestyle changes.
The prescription drug epidemic in the US cost money and lives. There is a better way. If you or a loved one are on a prescription drug, you need to watch this video.
We're not telling you to quit your prescriptions without talking to a Physician, but if you want to live a long life and at a heightened level of health, then you must avoid the long term use of prescription drugs. Dr. Minkoff explains why.
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At LifeWorks Wellness Center our focus is on healing and resolving the underlying cause of illness. We look at the whole body to see how it’s working, and we look for the ‘root’ of the problem. We do not do “band aid” medicine, or “cover up the symptom” medicine. We find what is really wrong with your body and handle it.
LifeWorks Wellness Center, 301 Turner Street, Clearwater, FL 33756
(727) 466-6789.