Aircraft Engineer Mike Mabvire Doesn't Even Have O Levels, He's Prosper Mushipe

Aircraft Engineer Mike Mabvire Doesn't Even Have O Levels, He's Prosper Mushipe

Dear Editor.

The Aircraft Engineer, who filmed himself in London on Monday is a 47 year old Mr Prosper Mushipe, who does not even have an O Level pass.

Prosper Mushipe attended Rukudzo Primary School, in Kambuzuma.

He was never confident if himself and used to imitate people like Michael Jackson.

He later on went to Prince Edward where he was in the same stream with Emmanuel Pahwaringira, Emmanuel Anderson and others.

Prosper quickly changed his surname to Njanike. He would also call himself Prosper Pahwaringira.

One of his friends' father who leaked an O Level paper, gave it to his son and Prosper accessed it, and he passed. But the unusually high level of Mushipe's pass (knowing how academically low he was) led to teachers investigating the matter and the whole stream was disqualified.

Prosper failed his O Level as a result.

He remains banned from sitting for O Level exams to this day.

In the whole of Kambuzuma he is known as Prosper Pahwaringira, one of his own friend's surname.

I am wondering how he managed to get a visa for UK knowing how he is.

I am also wondering how he managed to marry a UK trained nurse. What did he tell her to convince her.


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